249m members in the videos community. U comment under all my post pushing your homosxual agenda-7.
OP is a phaggot comes from web boards like 4Chan and Reddit used to inanely mock someone who has posted a comment phaggot a weird way of spelling faggot - a derogatory term for gay people If cops pull up I put that crack in my crack.

Op is a phaggot. Original poster. 293k votes 15k comments. Please read the sidebar below for.
Select Your Upload Type. Is there a bish. Three weeks ago the first video of the class went up on YouTube showing them recite the inappropriate 4chan slogan OP is a faggot.
OP is a Faggot - OP is a phaggot Like us on Facebook. If so who is she and is it worth looking into 5 1 month ago 20 8. The best place for video content of all kinds.
Put On Your Shoes Song Emma Alex Pretend Play Brushing Teeth Kids Morning Routine Nursery Rhymes - Duration. In one particular experiment we sneaked into the OPs home and replaced the hotdogs in his fridge with dildos. More often than not the insult is used as a sign of dissatisfaction with the thread instead of implying the creater is gay.
Op is a phaggot Sign in to follow this. Ace2125 x4 4 K 740. By 2011 the taunt had morphed into OP is a phaggot the alternate spelling to avoid filters and came to insult the quality or value of the thread.
Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. Comeatme View my complete profile. The creator of the post to which the comment refers.
Upon returning home OP proceeded to put the dildos between his buns. OP is a Faggot is an insult directed towards the original poster OP of a thread on image boards or discussion forums which can be also presented in the form of image macros and animated GIFs. Op Is A Phaggot added 3 years ago.
Reply to this topic. OP is a phaggot. Op is a phaggot.
Blog Archive 2011 1 January 1 op is a phaggot. 02-03-2021 at 1231 PM. Want to know if the OP is a Phaggot.
Faggot is spelt Phaggot due to the fact many forums block the former. TC Recommended for you. View Gallery Random Video.
U always having gay homosxual thoughts. Pin Tweet Shop the Meme. Used in online forums to denote the thread creator is homosexual.
Op Is A Phaggot Comments 12 Comment Rules. Op is a phaggot. Themdf From Poland 23 years old.
Last edited by confidential1. Came to slap op is a phaggot 9 1 month ago 04 7. Posted by comeatme at 1006 AM 1 comment.
An important lesson from the school of memes. By Ansem May 17 2015 in Far from the Forest. Probably the funniest site on the net.
Since at least the 2000s in video game and anime culture OP is short for overpowered referring to a player who is far more skilled than their competition or an extremely dominant character. That OP is a phaggot said Professor Biggblac Cockenstein. Well obviously he fucking is.
2 Gaming both videogaming and tabletop RPG. Confidential1 x1 35 K 1 K You gon do something about this or what. Hitler was okay I guess Commenter 1.
Bodybuilders all do gay4pay and most are at least bi curious so its not offensive when a group of men that be mirin another mans body can say the word phaggot. Press the and keys to navigate the gallery g to view the gallery or r to view a random video. Political thatcher funny britain lol memecenter meme mdf falklands.
A character weapon ability so strong that the game lacks challenge and becomes mundane. Im not 100 sure on this but Im fairly certain there are a whole bunch of channels like that where they say whatever you want if you contact them and pay them a set amount of money. Op is a phaggotunknown.
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